Engage, Volunteer, and Partner with ACPS

Family Engagement Through Albemarle County Public Schools

The Albemarle County Public Schools Office of Community Engagement's mission is to engage our stakeholders in meaningful partnerships. Staying connected and informed on what is happening in ACPS is the first step. Here are easy ways to connect and stay informed! Click on the link below to see how you can connect with ACPS. 

English Flyer

Spanish Flyer 

Volunteer and Partner with Albemarle County Public Schools 

Every day, students and teachers across our School Division benefit from the generosity of volunteers who take the time to share their talents with our children. The countless tasks performed by volunteers are vital to the continued operation and success of our schools. Sharing your life experiences, memories, technical know-how, or friendship with a young person can make a huge impact on a student's life and achievement. Click on the link below to see how you can volunteer and partner with ACPS. 

English and Spanish Flyer